Highway Maintenance Worker
Highway Maintenance Worker
The Town of Linn is accepting applications for a highway maintenance worker in the Highway Department. This position will be full time, 40 hours per week with benefits. Starting pay will be approximately $23.00 to $25.00 per hour. For an application and complete job description, please contact Matt Wittum, Highway Superintendent at 262.275.6300 ext 17, linnhighway@townoflinn.wi.gov (preferred) or stop by the Clerk’s office to pick up an application packet. Applications are due by February 14, 2025 at 3:00 pm.
It is the Town and Highway Department's goal to provide safe vehicular travel on all Town owned roads. The Town employs 3 full-time employees and seasonal plowing staff in the winter to maintain the 66 miles of roadway within our jurisdiction. The Highway Department is unique as it maintains roadways on both the North and South shores of Geneva Lake. The Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance of pavement, drainage systems, vegetation, and signage on all Town owned roads. Should you have a question, comment, or concern, please call the Highway Department at 262.275.6300 ext. 18, or submit here and you will receive a response as soon as we can.